Jesus came to find the lost People!

We  hope you are doing well!

We are blessed to have you as a friend and part of Restoration Ministries, you’re the one who is helping us make a difference at people’s lives, we could not do with out you!

We love you all!

Below it is a word by Max Lucado

“The Son of Man came to find lost people and to save them.” Luke 19:10

God will do what it takes—whatever it takes—to bring his children home!

He is the shepherd in search of His lamb. His legs are scratched, His feet are sore, and His eyes are burning. He scales the cliffs and traverses the fields. He explores the caves. He cups His hands to His mouth and calls into the canyon.

And the name He calls is yours.


Published by

Ireni Mota

Sou casada tenho dois filhos, sou assistente social diretora da Associação Restauração

2 thoughts on “Jesus came to find the lost People!

  1. Dear friends, Greetings, Its our pleasure to know about you. We are working on same goal and target and our vision is also same. We need partnership to do more for His glory.

    Please visit our website to know more about us.

    Thanks and God bless you.

    Looking forward to hear from you
    Samuel Masih

    1. Hello Samuel how are you doing
      I am sorry i diânt get your message before
      where are you from ??
      Have a blessed day
      Many blessings

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