Short-Term Ministry Opportunities

The Short-Term Program at Restoration Ministries has been incredibly effective!

Our brothers and sisters from overseas have been a blessing to Restoration Ministries as our partners, together we are all making a difference the peoples lives through Jesus.

Short Term Team Projects:

Children’s Program: Your group will be working with the kids in our regular program, join us in what we already do throughout the year.

Training Teams: The main goal is provide training to our leadership and volunteers through teaching, lectures and workshops.

VBS: Your group will be helping with our Agita program.

Construction Team: Dates for this type of trip are determined based on the sending church and local church availability, and are designed to assist the ministry in completing major capital projects.

Vision Team: Leaders from sending churches come to learn about the ministry by observing ministry operations, participating in family visitations and joining the leadership and church in worship. Dates for this type of trip can be determined according to the sending church and local church availability.

Come join us in this experience!!!!!!

For more information, contact our Short Term Coordinator – Tatiane Araujo.